Hi, I'm Marilyn!
When I became a parent in 2016, I remember seeing and holding my little one in my arms, feeling so much love and gratitude, and telling myself how I’m going to love and care deeply for this little precious soul in my arms. ❤️
I was truly eager and determined to be the parent whom my child deserved. At the same time, I was also receiving all kinds of “advice”; eg. to not pick my child up when he cries, to not “coddle” my child and let my child “manipulate” me. As well-meaning as I understand they were all intended to be, these “advice” just went against my personal (or motherly, if you will) instinct. I felt uneasy and told myself there has to be a better way, so I pored over countless books and research, determined to learn about what the science says about brain and child development, and the key to holistic development of a child, and raising a resilient child who thrives.
I then got to know about Dr. Sears’s Attachment Parenting through a lactation consultant, and in the process came across Gentle Parenting (via Sarah Ockwell-Smith) and eventually Dr. Laura Markham’s Peaceful Parenting philosophy, which totally resonated with how I had always wanted to parent my child. I enrolled in Dr. Laura’s Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids course and had never looked back since. Little did I know that it’d become the catalyst for a slew of (what seems to be never-ending) parenting, brain & child development, trauma healing, mindset and personal development courses that I’d eventually invest in – and still continue to today.
A CliftonStrengths test that I took revealed Input, Intellection, Ideation, Developer & Empathy to be among my top strengths - I then began to understand why I have an insatiable quest for learning and understanding, and how I am led to this mission to support and empower parents like you.
I also love and long to see children treated with love, care, understanding and support; it gives me hope for a kinder and more loving society for us and our future generations.
As I delved deeper into my research and studying (all done in random pockets of time, particularly at ‘ungodly hours’; in the early years, usually when I had just finished nursing my child and he’d fallen asleep, or between pumping milk sessions – I was so sleep-deprived, yet I found the passion burning in me to keep reading, studying and learning), I realised so much of how we parent boils down to cultural conditioning, how most of us are just repeating (often unconsciously) how we were parented, and how our parents were parented – yes, intergenerational patterns. After all, parenting doesn't come with a manual!
I then learnt about intergenerational trauma and wounds, the concept of the inner child and how we can all be reparented and heal from our childhood wounds. And I’m sharing this information with full compassion and empathy for our parents and caregivers (and their parents, and their parents’ parents/caregivers, and beyond) - they did the best they could with what they knew at the time and the resources they had.
I then got to know about Dr. Sears’s Attachment Parenting through a lactation consultant, and in the process came across Gentle Parenting (via Sarah Ockwell-Smith) and eventually Dr. Laura Markham’s Peaceful Parenting philosophy, which totally resonated with how I had always wanted to parent my child. I enrolled in Dr. Laura’s Peaceful Parent, Happy Kids course and had never looked back since. Little did I know that it’d become the catalyst for a slew of (what seems to be never-ending) parenting, brain & child development, trauma healing, mindset and personal development courses that I’d eventually invest in – and still continue to today.
As I delved deeper into my research and studying (all done in random pockets of time, particularly at ‘ungodly hours’; in the early years, usually when I had just finished nursing my child and he’d fallen asleep, or between pumping milk sessions – I was so sleep-deprived, yet I found the passion burning in me to keep reading, studying and learning), I realised so much of how we parent boils down to cultural conditioning, how most of us are just repeating (often unconsciously) how we were parented, and how our parents were parented – yes, intergenerational patterns. After all, parenting doesn't come with a manual!
There is now just much more awareness in brain science, stemming from decades of research and even ongoing and emerging research, of what’s really going on in our children’s brains, and what really helps our children (and us parents!) to thrive.
I dived deep into Attachment Theory and studied Dr. Stephen Porges’s Polyvagal Theory. I learnt about our autonomic nervous system - the role and importance that our nervous systems play in our self-regulation and our ability to co-regulate and connect with our children (and people in general). I also learnt about how each of our brains and nervous systems is wired differently, how "neurons that fire together, wire together", and how all these uniquely play out in our human interactions and relationships with one another.
I found myself really excited and eager to share these deep learning, information and data, as well as Peaceful Parenting tools, with my friends and people whom I met, especially of whom were new parents. And it always brought me great joy whenever we next met, that they’d report positive changes they’d seen in their children and their relationship with their children, after implementing the tools that I suggested. Friends started commenting they could see the passion and gift in me and encouraged me to pursue these further.
In 2019, I was in the midst of completing my RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) journey – even though my Catholic faith journey actually began way back in the 1990s when I was a teen (story for another time) – and I was discerning God’s call and plan for me, and how I could utilise the gifts and talents that He’s given me.
After two years of deep discernment and testing the waters, I experienced a deep spiritual renewal during Lent 2021. Since then, I endeavoured even more to deepen my relationship with God and discern His plan for me. The call felt really strong at this time, but I was still hesitant and doubtful, especially of my own limitations (or limiting beliefs), especially as a highly sensitive introvert. I spoke to a few trusted friends who encouraged me to take a step, and see where it leads – if it leads me to experiencing the fruits of the Holy spirit (love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control - Galatians 5:22).
I started taking a step; then another, and another – many baby steps if you will - and each step just seemed to align with one another, leading one to the next, and each falling into place; and I did find myself gradually experiencing the fruits of the spirit. I later even spoke to a priest whom I had connected with, who said if I feel so strongly about advocating for Peaceful Parenting, it must be a call from God. He also said that “if we attempt to do something for God’s glory and to serve others, God will always make it work unto good”. His words of wisdom and encouragement gave me the added push (they sort of felt like the green light for me) to embark on (and invest in) this path of Peaceful Parenting coaching – which also led me to the countless courses and training that I have invested and continue to invest in today.
My journey certainly hasn't been all smooth-sailing. It has naturally still been fraught with many challenges. But I continued to persevere and stay the course, with God's grace.
I knew deep down that the cost of not helping fellow parents and families and sitting in my comfort zone is far greater than the cost of hard work, treading in uncharted waters, truly serving families and making a positive difference in our world, with the gifts and talents that I'm truly grateful God has granted me.
I am reminded of St John Henry Newman's prayer of "I Have A Mission", which really resonates with me. 🙏🏻
What started as a desire and commitment to improve my own parenting has since turned into a calling to also help and support parents like you. If you are (or think you are) a highly sensitive parent raising a highly sensitive child, I’ve got you. Yes, Peaceful Parenting can feel hard, especially as a highly sensitive parent to a highly sensitive child. I know what it’s like and I’ve been where you are through my lived experience. Explosive meltdowns, back talk, sensory overload... I've navigated them all.
My child is highly sensitive and strong-willed (no surprise where he got those traits from), but he is also my very sweet boy whom I share a very close and deep bond with. Time and again, I’ve experienced how Peaceful Parenting is working in our relationship, and how it is also helping my son navigate complex challenges that he faces in school, especially being highly sensitive. And I can see and trust that he is thriving.
We’ve navigated many challenges together, and I want to help you do the same with your children.
Remember you are not alone, and I'm here to support you.
I’ve spent tens of thousands of dollars on professional level trainings and courses, and I’ve done all the research and work for you, so you don’t have to! All you need to do is show up with a willing & open heart, and focus on applying and practising the tools in transforming your parenting.
I will guide you through my 5-step FAITH parenting framework, backed by neuroscience and research in child development, and tailor a step-by-step plan – just for you and your unique family.
Let me help and support you in not just improving your relationship with your children, ending the power struggles and raising resilient children who thrive; but also, in taking care of you, so that you can show up (as often and as consistently as you can) as the calm, loving parent you want and know you were meant to be.
Remember, we are not aiming for perfection, but progress! Because perfection is impossible - since we are human! 😊
If you’re ready to learn about my framework, click the button below to download my free guide, or book a free discovery call with me.
It doesn’t matter how you’ve been parenting, or where you’re at in your parenting journey. If you’re looking for a better way and/or more support, and this is all resonating with you so far, you're in the right place.
Reach out to me via email at, or click the button below to book a free 30-min discovery call. I’d love to help you regain peace, connection & joy in parenting!
And you certainly need not be Catholic - I’d be delighted if you are, but I am grateful to serve you, regardless of your faith. I am committed to serving & being respectful towards parents of all faiths & beliefs. 🫶🏻
I’d be grateful to be your cheerleader & guide, always rooting for you!
Let’s make peaceful parenting work for you and your family!
“Marilyn is a wealth of knowledge. She did a wonderful job guiding us though the PPHK workbook.
She was very supportive and at the same time gently pushed us to become the parents we wanted to be.
She always had a thoughtful answer to our tough questions and took the time to follow up with each of us with what we were working on.
I highly recommend working with her either 1 on 1 or in a group setting. Thank you for everything Marilyn!”
Mum of 13-year-old & 15-year-old
“Marilyn knows the material very well and provides excellent coaching.
She can provide really great tips and is really great in making one feel welcome and understood.
She's genuinely interested in helping and is fully flexible to go with what helps the group the most. I highly recommend her!”
Mum of 11-year-old
“Marilyn is the epitome of kindness. Her gentle nature, deep listening skills and in-depth knowledge surrounding Peaceful Parenting practices is a great combination in a coach.
When working with Marilyn, you really feel that she is hearing you, with no judgements, and her desire to help you improve your parenting life (and life in general) is palpable every step of the way.
You will definitely be in good hands with Marilyn.”
Mum of 13-year-old & 15-year-old
“Marilyn has such an integrated way of sharing her motherly wisdom through words of loving compassion.
Her ability to hold you in the highest regard never fails her. She gently and lovingly invites you into healing as you’re ready and receptive to it!
I would highly recommend Marilyn as a mentor and guide on the journey of self-healing and love!”
Mum of 4-year-old, 7-year-old & 11-year-old
I'll Guide You Every Step of the Way.
Click the button below to book a Free 30 min Discovery Call with me. We'll assess how I may support you in your parenting, and if we are a good fit.
Intake Form
If we are a good fit, and you're ready to dive deeper and commit to an actual coaching session with me, I'll send you a Coaching Application/Intake Form for you to fill out. We'll also schedule our first coaching session (and where applicable, subsequent coaching sessions) here.
Review & Prep
I request that you return the completed Coaching Application/Intake Form to me at least a week prior to our first session. I will then review your responses in preparation for our session. I respect your time and want to make the most out of our time together in our sessions.
Show up & Be present
Show up for your first session with a willing, open heart and mind. And congratulations! 🎉
You've just taken your first step to transforming your parenting! Remember Peaceful Parenting is a gift to you & your family; it's a long game, and I'm here to support you. 🫶🏻
Being drawn to music & language, I dreamt of working in Radio when I was a teen. I semi-fulfilled that dream when I was in University, delivering and presenting news and drive-time programmes both via Community radio and Campus radio in Australia. Having graduated with a Bachelor of Arts in Mass Communication (Journalism & Radio), life took a different turn for me as I took to the skies, working across the globe with diversified nationalities, and living in the Middle East. Thereafter, I moved to Malaysia, assisting in the business operations of a chemical distribution company. I thought I would return to Radio at some stage, until I became a mother. That dream had changed to a deeper calling to support and serve parents like you, and I realised I had found my life’s work.
I still endeavoured to utilise God’s gift of music and vocals to me, which then led me to serve in my church's RCIA Music Ministry, and now, as a lector proclaiming God’s word - which I am immensely grateful for. I am thankful and find great joy to also serve as a children’s catechist and worship leader at my child's school.
At other times (on top of being a mum), when I’m not busy supporting parents and families, or diving into parenting or personal development books, courses and research; you will find me seeking solace & comfort through prayer, journaling, painting and creating art with my child (which I really love), and singing worship songs... Oh by the way — confession — I do also love belting out Idina Menzel's Let It Go <Frozen> (absolute fave 🤭), 80's rock ballads and a fair bit of Alanis Morissette & Bon Jovi ...💃🎸♫
As an imperfect Catholic parent, I thank God for His graces & mercy in my parenting journey. Peaceful Parenting actually reminds me of our gentle, merciful & unconditional loving God. I feel blessed & thankful that He has called me to the Peaceful Parenting path that’s so aligned with His peace & love. ❤️
Regain Peace, Connection & Joy in Your Parenting